Greek Residency by Investment with Golden Visa 
All You Need to Know

What is a Golden Visa?

The Greek Residency by Investment program (also known as the “Greek Golden Visa”) is a flexible and fast-track procedure for non – EU/EEA foreign investors who wish to invest in fields of Greek Economy and subsequently obtain a permanent residence permit in Europe. Within the framework of implementation of investment The Immigration and Social Integration Code (Law 4251/2014, Government Gazette  1, no 80) contains provisions that facilitate the granting of residence permits to third country nationals and to members of their families, who intend to invest in Greece, for a minimum of €250,000.

Investors have the flexibility to choose among the 3 investment options running a straightforward procedure and at a minimum cost.

Eligible investment options under GOLDEN VISA LAW consist of 3 alternatives, according to each investor’s profile:

Article 16 A&C

The provisions of article 16, apply for the issue of the residence permit for both General Investments (16C) and Financial Products (16A).

General Investments option, for entrepreneurial investors who would like to set up/expand their businesses in Greece.

  • Residence Permit for General Investments (investment threshold: €250,000)

To meet the residency program requirements an applicant should choose to proceed with an investment that will have a positive impact on national development, economy and society, with a minimum required amount of 250,000€/investor.

Energy, Tourism, Food & Beverage, Export-Oriented Manufacturing, Logistics, Life Sciences as well as the I.C.T. Sector are considered as key sectors of the Greek Economy, offering abundant opportunities for investments.

Intangible assets, for savvy investors who are familiar with investing in bonds, mutual funds, equities and the like.

  • Residence Permit with the purchase of intangible assets – shares, bonds, bank deposits etc – Article 16A (investment threshold: €400,000)

The Greek government has expanded the golden visa program, implementing new legal amendments that allow the acquisition of residency permit via eight (8) additional categories of investment in specific forms of securities or a bank deposit amounting to at least €400,000 either as individuals or through legal entities.

A flexible and fast process for foreign investors who wish to obtain a residence permit by making an intangible investment in Greece.

Investment by a Non-Eu/Eea Citizen as an Individual
a. Purchase of Shares€ 400.000Share capital increase or bonds issued on a bond loan for companies bases or located in Greece
b. Purchase of Shares€ 400.000Share capital increase of a real estate investment company aiming to invest exclusively in Greece
c. Acquisition of Shares€ 400.000Private equity fund or venture fund provided that there will be investment exclusively in companies with headquarters and/or established in Greece
d. Purchase  of Greek Government Bonds€ 400.000Residual maturity of at least 3 years from the time of purchase
e. Minimum time Deposit€ 400.000In a national credit institution for at least 1 year with a standing order for its renewal
f. Purchase of Shares/Corporate Bonds€ 800.000Traded up or for trade on regulated markets, or in multilateral trading facilities operating in Greece
g. Purchase of Stakes€ 400.000Mutual fund established in Greece, or elsewhere which intends to invest exclusively in shares, corporate bonds and/or Greek government bonds
h. Purchase of Stakes or Shares€ 400.000Alternative investment fund established in Greece or in another EU country, and aims to invest exclusively in real estate in Greece


Real Estate option, desirable for investors who feel comfortable with bricks and mortar.

Residence Permit with the purchase/leasing of Real Estate Property/ies (investment threshold: €250,000)

  • Purchase Acquisition includes: investment in property at a minimum value of €250,000 in any part of the country. This includes mainland Greece as well as the surrounding islands. There is no restriction on the type and quantity of the properties. Residential/commercial properties and even plot of land are all eligible as long as the total contractual purchase price reaches the minimum threshold of €250,000.
  • Timeshare agreements
  • Long term leasing: In hotels accommodations with minimum of 10 years

Competitive Advantages

  • Co-ownership allowed,
  • more than 1 properties,
  • any kind of property,
  • rental from the very first moment

How to get a Greek Residency by Investment?

How to apply for a Greek Golden Visa

The simple basis of the program is complemented beautifully by the quick processing time. Successful applicants can obtain their golden visa in as little as three months, and the process is simple; all they need to do is make their investments, compile their files, and submit an application alongside biometrics.


A Golden visa application in Greece can now be processed even faster and grant residency by investment in around 2 months.
Choose which path to take.


Now you have the option to apply from the comfort of your own home under our company’s professional consultancy coupled with personal services.

Investors can apply for the program completely remotely. The investor and their dependents do not have to enter Greece during or prior to the application process.

Starting from December 23rd 2020, Greece adopted new measures to facilitate foreign investors’ plans. The potential Golden Visa investors can complete now all the Golden Visa procedures from where they reside, including the application of a Greek Tax Number, opening a Greek bank account, from acquisition of properties to business plans elaboration or intangible investments’ implementation and the submission of their Golden Visa application without traveling to the country, through signing a Power of Attorney at a Greek Consulate that is nearest to their current residence.




  • Gather the documents required for opening a Greek bank account upon our support and guidance.
  • Sign a Power of Attorney (PoA) at a Greek Consulate that is closest to your residence.
  • Golden Visa Team will start all the procedures on your behalf in Greece


  • Our team through POA:
    • Applies for a Greek Tax No.
    • Opens a Greek bank account.
  • The investor transfers the investment and proceeds with the property acquisition or implements his/her chosen investment.
  • Our team undertakes the implementation of all stages of the procedure, prepares your application file and submits your resident application along with the required documentation at the Greek Ministry of Migration Policy.




  • Investors can visit Greece within 12 months max upon their issued temporary issued temporary residence permit for submitting their biometric data at the Ministry of Migration Policy by a prior appointment.


Obtain a Golden Visa through a real estate or general investment

Golden Visa Benefits: Why should I get a Greek Golden Visa?

Key advantages of the Greece Golden Visa Program

The Golden Visa Programme boasts an extensive list of both direct & indirect benefits ranging from financial gains to the freedom of visa – free travel that an investment in Greece offers non European investors:

  • The lowest entrance amount along Europe
  • The lowest state fees
  • Fast Process
  • 3 generations of family members included – Children under 24, Parents & In-laws, partners
  • No nationality restrictions
  • No min. requirement to live in Greece
  • Free access to European, high-level education and health systems
  • Access to Business (as a shareholder, a CEO or a Board Member)
  • Citizenship option – After 7 years, after a minimum stay per year is met
  • Unlimited renewal of residence permit – As long as the investment remains in possession
  • Visa Free travel within the 26 Schengen countries
  • Immediate income from investment, Flexible investment options
  • Applicants’ spouses or blood relatives up to second degree are allowed to fund their investment

Golden Visa Cost

Golden Visa Greece has succeeded in building a leading market position in investment consultancy sector, by providing high quality services at all levels.

Our corporate model is structured to provide expertise from various specialties and guidance since the onset.

Investors can enjoy one-stop shop services from A to Z, by a team of top professionals from spheres of legal, tax, real estate, financial planning and engineering.  Being a specialized company in foreign investments, our mission is to facilitate international investments in Greece, simplify the complicated processes and ensure sustainable & profitable investments.

Expenses Breakdown for issuing a Permanent Residence Permit

Residence Permit Expenses
Investor`s Res. Permit Fee2000+16 €Per applicantBefore the appl. submission
Family Members` Res. Permit Fee150+16 €Per family memberBefore the appl. submission
Medical Insurance110 € – 500 €Per applicant – Depending on the ageBefore the appl. submission
Translations & PoABefore the appl. submission

If for Property Acquisition:


Property Acquisition Expenses
Minimum required capital250.000€ per investor
Acquisition contract price≥250.000€ per investorAt the signing of the contract
Transfer tax3.09% on property contract valueOn property contract value.Before signing of the contract
Registration of Title Deed / Land Registration office0.60 % – 1 %

35 € (Cadastral Office fee)

On property contract valueWithin 5 days from signing the contract
Notary1.2 % – 1.5 %On property contract valueWithin 5 days from signing the contract
Real estate fee2 % – 4 %On property contract value
(depending on property’s type / seller’s policy)
At the signing of the contract

If for Intangible Assets Investments and Bank Deposits:

Residence Permit Expenses
Main Applicant. Permit Fee2000 + 16 €For the main applicantBefore the appl. submission
Family Members` Res. Permit Fee150 + 16 €Per family memberBefore the appl. submission
Medical Insurance100 € – 250 €Per applicant – Depending on the ageBefore the appl. submission
Need help to get a Golden Visa in Greece?

Where could I travel with a Greek Golden Visa

Greece signed the Schengen agreement on 6 November 1992 and started its implementation on 1 January 2000.

Schengen Area, signifies a zone where 26 European countries, abolished their internal borders for the free and unrestricted movement of people, goods, jobs, education, commerce in harmony with common rules for controlling external borders and fighting criminality by strengthening the common judicial system and police cooperation.

Schengen Area covers most of the EU countries, except Ireland and the countries that are soon to be part of: Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia and Cyprus. Although not members of the EU, countries like: Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Lichtenstein are also part of the Schengen zone.

Investing in Greece grants an instant permanent residence and travel access to all 26 SCHENGEN states.

Golden Visa Greece Law


Permanent residence permit of the investor


1. By decision of the Secretary General of the Decentralized Administration,  residence permit for five years, subject to renewal,  is granted to  a third country national who:

  •  has legally entered the country with any type of visa or legally resides in the country, even if the type of residence permit that he possesses, does not permit change of purpose.
  • has  personally the full ownership, possession and peaceful enjoyment of real estate property in Greece. In the case of jointly owned property, worth 250,000 euro, the right of residence is granted only if the owners of the property are spouses with indivisible shares in the property. In all other cases of joint ownership, the right of residence is granted only if the   joint ownership rate of each joint owner is worth 250,000 euro.
  • has the full ownership, possession and peaceful enjoyment of real estate property in Greece via a legal entity, whose shares  are fully owned by him.
  • has concluded an agreement for at least a ten year lease of hotel accommodation or furnished tourist residences in tourist accommodation complexes, pursuant to Article 8 par. 2 of Law 4002/2011 (Government Gazette 1, no 180).
  • has concluded a time sharing agreement pursuant to the provisions of Law 1652/1986 “Time sharing agreement and related issues” (Government Gazette 1, no 167), which is in force.

2. The minimum value of the real estate property, as well as the contractual consideration of hotel accommodation or tourist residences leases of this Article, is determined at two hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) euro and must have been paid in full upon the signing of the contract.

“ The consideration is paid by a crossed bank cheque to a bank account of the beneficiary, held in a credit institution operating in Greece or with a credit transfer, as defined by Law 4537/2018 article 4, par. 24 (Official Government Gazette Α΄ 84) to a beneficiary’s bank account held in a payment service provider, as defined by Law 4537/2018 article 4 par. 11 operating in Greece”.

By joint decision of the Ministers for the Interior and Finance, the value of the above real estate property may be adjusted and shall result from the property value stated in the contracts  or from the lease agreements.

3. To third country nationals, real estate property owners, the possibility of leasing that property is  granted.

4. The above third-country national may be accompanied by the members of his family to whom,  at their request,  an  individual residence permit is issued,  that expires together with the residence permit of the sponsor.
Family members shall mean:

  • spouses
  • the other spouse or partner with whom a third-country national has a cohabitation agreement in Greece
  • the direct unmarried descendants of the spouses, who are under the age of 21
  • the direct unmarried descendants of the supporter or of the other spouse/partner , provided that their custody has been legally entrusted to the sponsor (for his/her children) and to the other partner (for his/her children), under 21 years of age
  • the direct relatives of the spouses in the ascending line.

5. The above permit may be renewed for an equal duration, each time, provided that   the real estate property remains in the ownership and possession of the third-country national or the agreements of paragraph 1 of this remain in force and all other requirements, provided by law, are fulfilled.  Periods of absence from the country shall not disrupt the renewal of the residence permit.
“The resale of the real estate property during the period of validity of the residence permit, to another third-country national shall provide the right to the granting of residence permit to the new buyer with simultaneous withdrawal of the vendor’s residence permit.”

6. The residence permits, being granted pursuant to the paragraphs 1 and 4 of this Article, do not establish the right of access to any form of employment.


Issue and renewal of residence permit for investment activity



1. The entrance and residence of third country nationals is permitted in Greece, for the purpose of making investments that will have a positive impact on national development and economy.
Depending on the amount and the characteristics of the investment, up to ten third country nationals may enter and reside in the country, including the investors, for the implementation and operation of the investment.

2. On the motion of the Directorate of Foreign Investments of the Ministry of Economy and Development, concerning the characterization of the investment and the feasibility of   granting residence permit, the entry and residence of third-country nationals may be permitted in Greece for the implementation and operation of the investment.

3. The application and the required documents, as specified by the Joint Ministerial Decision, referred to in paragraph 12 of Article 136, are submitted to the Greek Consular Authority of the area of residence of the interested persons, which, within one month, forwards them to the Directorate of Foreign Investments of the Ministry of Economy and Development.
The above Directorate, within a month, examines the application and forwards the relevant motion to the competent Consular Authority in order for the required national visas to be issued.

4. To the third-country national, to whom has been granted a visa for the realization of an investment, a residence permit shall be granted for the same reason, on procurement of the required documents.
The duration of validity of the residence permit is for five years and is subject to renewal for an equal period each time, provided the implementation of the investment or its operation is continued after its completion.

5. The above third-country nationals, by way of derogation from the provisions of Article 70, par. 1, may be accompanied by the members of their families who are granted a residence permit for family reunification,  expiring simultaneously with the residence permit of the sponsors.

6. The Directorate for Migration Policy of the Ministry of Migration Policy is responsible for the examination of the application and the decision on the issue or the renewal of the residence permit for the realization of investment activity.

7. The provisions of this Article shall apply accordingly for the entry and residence of third-country nationals in the context of new investments realized by Greek undertakings, already operating or third country nationals who already reside legally in Greece and hold residence permits for purposes of independent economic or investment activity.

8. In the residence permit of third-country nationals referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, it shall be stated “Residence permit for investment activity “and in the” Remarks ” the professional status of the holder shall be referenced.


1. Up to ten (10) third-country nationals, per investment, deemed necessary, are allowed to enter the country if they have been granted, where necessary, visa (Visa D), in order to realize investments, which have been characterized as “Strategic Investments” , pursuant to a decision of the Interministerial Committee of Strategic Investments on inclusion in Law 3894/2010 (Government Gazette 1, no 204).
The above visa is issued free of charge, on the procurement of the decision of the Interministerial Committee of Strategic Investments, which characterizes the investment as  “Strategic Investment” and the motion of the Secretary-General for Strategic and Private Investments referring to the relation of  third country nationals with the entity realizing the strategic investment .

2. The above are granted, by decision of the Minister for the Interior, a ten-year residence permit, which is renewed for ten years, provided the same requirements are met.

3. For the granting of the residence permit, an application with the required documents is submitted to the Directorate for Migration Policy to the Ministry of Interior, as these are defined, by the provisions of Article 136, par. 1, in the Joint Ministerial Decision. The residence permit shall be issued within five (5) days from the date that the application was submitted.

4. The above third-country nationals, by way of derogation from the provisions of Article 70, par. 1, may be accompanied by the members of their family, being granted residence permit for family reunification, expiring simultaneously with the residence permit of the sponsors, as well as by the support staff, in the case of people with disabilities.


1.  Third country nationals, being subject to Chapters A and B of this Article and legally residing in the country, are not obliged to leave Greek territory in order to apply for a residence permit.

2. The competent departments of the Ministries of Development and Competitiveness shall notify, in writing or by e-mail, the Directorate for Migration Policy of the Ministry of Interior, about any change in the evolution of implementation of the investment activity.


Residence Permits for investment in securities or a bank deposit in Greece

1. The entrance and residence of third country nationals is permitted in Greece, for the purpose of making an intangible investment in Greece in specific forms of securities or a bank deposit exceeding the value of €400,000, either as individuals or through legal entities.

2. Beneficiaries of the right to enter and obtain a permanent residence permit under this program are:

– non-EU/EEA citizens who, as individuals, invest in Greece in securities or a bank deposit,

– non-EU/EEA citizens who invest in Greece in securities or a bank deposit through a domestic legal entity of

which they hold all corporate shares,

– shareholders or executives of a foreign legal entity that makes an investment in Greece in securities or a

bank deposit (up to three residence permits are granted depending on the amount of the investment),

– family members of the non-EU/EEA citizen.

The residence permit granted to the above non-EU/EEA citizens does not entitle them to work in Greece.

3. Categories of investment:

  • Capital contribution, amounting to at least five hundred thousand (500,000) euros, to a company headquartered or established in Greece, except for Holding Companies and Real Estate Investment Companies, for the acquisition of stock in a capital stock increase or bonds upon the issuance of a bond loan, which are listed for trading in regulated markets or multilateral trading facilities operating in Greece.
  • Capital contribution, amounting to at least five hundred thousand (500,000) euros, to a Real Estate Investment Company (REIC) under article 21 of Law 2778/1999 (OJHR A-295), whose purpose is to invest exclusively in Greece, for the acquisition of stock in an increase of its share capital.
  • Capital contribution, amounting to at least five hundred thousand (500,000) euros, to a Business Holding Capital Company under article 5 of Law 2367/1995 (OJHR A-261) for the acquisition of shares, or capital contribution to a Business Holdings Mutual Fund under article 7 of Law 2992/2002 (OJHR A-54) for the acquisition of shares, provided that the object of the said Alternative Investment Funds (AIF) is to invest exclusively in companies headquartered or established in Greece.
  • Purchase of Greek Treasury bonds, with an acquisition value of at least five hundred thousand (500,000) euros and a residual duration, at the time of purchase, at least three (3) years, through a credit institution established in Greece, which is also their custodian.
  • Fixed term deposit of at least five hundred thousand (500,000) euros, in a domestic credit institution, for at least one year, with a standing renewal order.
  • Purchase of shares, corporate bonds, or Greek Treasury bonds, which are listed for trading or traded in regulated markets or multilateral trading facilities operating in Greece, of an acquisition value of at least eight hundred thousand (800,000) euro.
  • Purchase of shares of an acquisition value of at least three hundred fifty thousand (350,000) euros in a mutual fund, which has been established in Greece or another country and whose object is to invest exclusively in shares, corporate bonds or Greek Treasury bonds that are listed for trading or traded in regulated markets or multilateral trading facilities operating in Greece.
  • Purchase of units or  shares or stock of an acquisition value of at least three hundred and fifty thousand (350,000) euro in an Alternative Investment Organiztion (AIO), which has been established in Greece or another Member State of the European Union and whose object is to invest exclusively in  Greece, provided that: (i) the AIF’s assets amount to at least three million (3,000,000) euros and (ii) the AIF and its manager are licensed or registered by the authority that supervises the capital market of the country in which it is based.

Required Documents to get Greek Residency by Investment

Golden Visa Greece appoints an Investment Specialist for each case.
Please note the below list is to be used as a guideline only, after assessing the particular case we prepare a personalized checklist.

Documents For Setting Up a Greek Bank Account

  • Valid passport
  • A certificate or statement issued by an authority as a proof of your residence address
  • An employment certificate or statement issued by your current employer regarding your position, years of employment and remuneration.
  • For the self-employed, a certificate issued by the relevant authority to indicate your profession
  • A bill or an invoice for your mobile phone number
  • An official document that shows your Tax Identification Number (TIN)
  • Your Tax Return
  • A bank reference letter
  • Recent bank account statements with a balance relevant to the amount which will be invested in Greece
  • Greek Tax Number (upon us)
  • A completed customer profile form

Required Documents for Golden Visa Application Submission

Main Applicant

  • Full copy of your current passport, all pages even the blank ones
  • Birth Certificate translated into Greek, bearing the full names of your parents (Apostilled/verified)
  • Four recently taken color photographs (4 photographs per applicant and 1 CD per applicant with the exact following dimensions: passport size 4×6, white font without borders, printed as well as on a compatible disc)
  • Governmental Fees (E-paravolo), along with their payment’s receipts
  • Certificate of Life Insurance
  • Signed Power of Attorney, which gives us the authority to act on your behalf for the application submission, either consular PoA, or notarial PoA (verified copy)

For investors in financial products

  • Certification of the realization and retention of investment, of par. C of Article 16 of Law No.4251/2014 by the Ministry of Development and Investment
  • A personal CV

For real estate property investors

  • A contract of purchase
  • Proof of registration of the contract by the competent Land Registry and a certificate issued by the Land Registry or national cadaster agency attesting to the non-existence of any encumbrance.
  • Notary’s Prototype Certificate for the purchase contract
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YOU ask, WE answer

Can I use the Greek residency permit to travel to other European Union countries?

A Greek residence permit allows you to travel freely to other countries for maximum 90 days in a period of 180 days within the Schengen area. After the residence permit is issued, you may also travel to any Schengen country directly from your country, without having to go through Greece first.

How long is the validity of a Greek residence permit?
  • A Greek resident permit obtained through Golden Visa scheme is valid for 5 years and can be renewed every 5 years thereafter.
    • Renewal of residence permits for owners of real estate
    • The real estate property must remain in the full ownership of the applicant.
    • The relevant leases/contracts must be in effect.
    • Absences from the country do not impede the renewal of the residence permit.
    • The resale of the real estate property, during the period when the residence permit is valid, to another third country citizen provides to the new owner the right to a residence permit along with a simultaneous revocation of the seller’s residence permit.
  • Renewal of the residence permit for investment activity
    The residence permit for investment activity can be renewed provided that the applicant maintains their status (investor or executive) in relation to the investment which continues to be active. For family members, the residence permit expires simultaneously with the residence permit of the sponsor.
  • Renewal of the residence permit for investment in intangible assets
    The residence permit for investment in intangible assets can be renewed provided that the holding of the specified investment is certified, and the other requirements for granting the permit are met. For family members, the residence permit expires upon the expiry of the sponsor’s residence permit.
How long do I need to live in Greece to renew the Golden Visa?

Unlike other Golden Visa schemes, you do not need to live in Greece at all in order to renew your residence permit. You can keep renewing it every five years, as long as your ownership of the investment remains in force. 

Does the residence permit give me the right to apply for citizenship?

Holders of Greek residency who stay in Greece for seven (7) consecutive years, with each year no fewer than 183 days are eligible to apply for Greek citizenship through naturalisation. 

Can I access healthcare in Greece?

According to the Golden Visa scheme, the main investor and his/her family need to purchase a health insurance plan to cover their basic medical needs.  Greek public hospitals are free for most consultations while patients need to pay for their own medication.     

How can I obtain a Greek golden visa with a bank deposit?

As of April 2021, foreign investors can complete the procedures of applying for a  Greek Tax Number (requisite for opening a Greek bank account), opening a Greek bank account for making a 1-year term deposit of minimum €400K +  a standing renewal order and apply for Golden Visa from the country where they reside upon signing a Power of Attorney (PoA) at a Greek Consulate that is close to their residence.   

What advantages provides to its holder a residence permit in Greece?
  • He/she may stay continuously in Greece for its whole duration
  • He/she may travel to other Schengen countries without a visa, but his/her stay in those countries cannot exceed 90 days in each 6-month period.
  • He/she has access to public healthcare services and education, just like any Greek citizen.
What are the major differences among the various immigration by investment programs?
  • The Greek Residency by Investment program is one of those most affordable in Europe
  • 3 generations of family members included
  • The residence permit is permanent
  • No residency requirement
  • Simple and straightforward procedures
  • Low renewal costs
Can I apply remotely for a Greek Golden Visa?

Starting from December 23rd 2020, foreign investors can complete all the Golden Visa procedures from where they reside, including the application of a Greek Tax Number, opening a Greek bank account, from acquisition of properties to business plans elaboration or intangible investments’ implementation and the submission of their application without travelling to the country, by signing a Power of Attorney (PoA) at a Greek Consulate that is nearest to their current residence.

A 12-month temporary Greek resident certificates will be issued upon successful application.  Investors along with their family members can enter the Greek territory during the validity of their certificates to submit their biometric data regardless of the travel restrictions that might be imposed. Permanent resident cards are expected to be issued in 2 months thereafter.

How does the process of obtaining residency in Greece take?

Depending on the choice of their investment options, the process varies from 1.5 – 3 months.

Can British citizens apply for Greek Golden Visa?

British citizens can apply for the Greek Golden Visa since the UK is no longer a part of the EU from 1st Jan 2021. 

Can I work in Greece?

Golden Visa investors and their family members are not allowed to access the local labour market.

Can I access education system in Greece?

The Greek residence permit provides access to the Greek education system.

International schools in Greece go hand in hand with the Golden Visa Programme. Many families decide to move to Greece altogether after acquiring their permanent residence permit. Children who do not speak Greek are welcome to go to school in Greece. They can attend International schools and universities, since courses are taught in English (or any other language like German or French, depending on the school).  

If I Obtain The Greek Golden Visa And Become A Resident, Do I Have To Pay Taxes There?

You have to pay taxes only on the income you receive in Greece, thanks to the double taxation treaty. Of course, if you spend most of the year in the country, you become a tax resident in Greece and must pay taxes. Keep in mind that being a tax resident is a requirement to apply for citizenship. 

Can more than one investor own a property and be eligible for a Golden Visa?

Yes, co-ownership is allowed as long as each person invests at least €250,000. You may own a property with one or more people – even if they are not family – and all of you may apply for a Greek residence permit under the above condition. In case of co-ownership between spouses the above condition does not exist and one €250,000 property is enough to ensure a Golden Visa for the couple.

How much does it cost to apply for a Golden Visa?

Apart from making the qualifying investment, applying for a Golden Visa requires fees to be made to the corresponding government.  These fees are typically paid per applicant and per dependent.  The fees amount to €2,016 for the main investor & €166/family member

When can I set up my own business in Greece as a Golden Visa holder?

In no case does the resident permit provides access to any type of employment, but if you are interested to exercise business activity through the shareholder role in a company or as a board member, there is no restriction. 

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